Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scott Monty - Ford

People receive over 3000 messages a day - how do you get their attention?

Enable the influencers: the people, people trust.
1. 3rd party experts
2. Peers/network

We do more than make >>>> we make people's lives better.

90% of social media is showing up.
It's the other half that's hard.
How are you providing value?

People want to be part of the process
Be transparent about the steps you're taking to a solution

It's human nature to ask: what's in it for me?

Tools will change - it's about creating the right behavior.

You're not on social media to sell. You're building relationships and if you're consistent over time you may build a little trust.

What happens in Vegas, stays on Google.

People don't always need solutions, they just want to know that they're being heard and for you to acknowledge their words.

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